The way of St. James by bike

I just finished my third way of St. James by bike, the french way. This was the first time that I am able to finish without too much incidents, so I’m telling my experience.

My ways

In the last years I have done these:

  • Northern way (Camino del norte): It is the prettiest but the most difficult, with lots of slopes. I made Irun-Santiago in 13 days, but I had lots of mechanical problems with my bike and I suffered the rain. It was August and hostels were always full, so I made it from camping to camping.
  • Silver way (Vía de la Plata): I made it in July starting from Seville, it was too hot, and it is very easy to run out of water. I drank 7 liters of water per day. There aren’t fountains in the way and there are very long sections without bars or shops. I fell ill and I had to go back home from Salamanca.
  • French way (Camino francés): It is he easiest but it is crowded. I just made Pamplona-Santiago in 8 days. I made it in June and there was enough room in hostels and the climate was pretty favorable.

I followed always the Eroski guide, but it is in spanish: I also used the GPX Viewer android app with tracks downloaded from Wikiloc to help when I get lost.

The bike

You do not need a very strong bike to make the way. You can make it with a road bike, but I prefer to go off-road with a mountain bike and make it following the same path than walking pilgrims.

I use pannier bags and a small backpack where I carry less than 2Kg. Trying to carry all the weight in a backpack can be harmful. You will need additional space for the food and for the water, specially when making the Silver way.

The rear wheel may suffer with the additional weight, so it is better to have a rear tyre in good conditions. I suffered lots of punctures in the Northern way due to a tyre in bad conditions.

And install a bell, it is very important to warn walking pilgrims of your presence and to do not frighten them.

Do not try to go with your bike to the starting point by train, RENFE has serious issues carrying bicycles. It is possible to go by bus, most companies allow you to carry your bike in the trunk paying a small plus.

What to carry

Along the years, I optimized the things to carry, I made this last way carrying only 6.5 Kg:

  • Bike clothing: a t-shirt, a cycling short, glasses, gloves and cycling shoes. I wash the t-shirt and the short every day just after arriving to the hostel.
  • A cotton t-shirt: I use it also as pijama
  • A pair of light trousers
  • 3 x underpants and socks: I also wash my underwear every day
  • Flip flops: for the shower
  • Swimsuit: there are lots of beaches in the northern way and some swimming pools in the others, do not miss them!
  • Rain jacket
  • Sleeping bag: I also use it to sleep in hostels
  • Sleeping pad
  • Tent: I carry a 1 Kg High Peak Minilite, not very resistant to the water
  • Bike tools: I carry a very basic set of tools: a small bike multi-tool, a spare tube, a patch kit and a pair of spare braking pads.
  • A chain lock: I feel safer leaving my bike locked
  • A power bank: I leave it charging in the hostel (it is a minor loss if stolen) and then, during the day, I charge my phone

A pro-trick is to carry your wallet and your electronic devices in a small tupperware. It is an extra protection under the rain.

What to eat

You can find menus for pilgrims by 10 eur. The hostels have kitchen and you can cook there. On the bike, I try to eat the same calories that I am consuming: I carry fruit, sandwiches, cereal bars, cookies, etc. and I stop every hour to eat something.

Where to sleep

Hostels are the best option, I carry a tent as backup, but in my last way it was not necessary. Hostels are cheaper than campings, you can find some hostels by 5 eur/night. Some of the hostels, when they are full, allow you to sleep on the floor (so it’s useful to carry a sleeping pad) or outside, in a tent in the garden.

Most hostels ask you for the Credential, you can get it at many hostels by 2 or 3 eur.

The experience

It’s hard to explain, buy the way is a mix of culture, sport, fellowship and religion (not in my case) that make it a unique experience full of hard to forget moments, and, yes, so good and addictive that I made it three times…

Google Photos album with my French way:

Converting Carballo to Kotlin

Kotlin is a JVM language developed by JetBrains: gaining momentum among Android developers. Kotlin has interesting features like:

  • It can be compiled to bytecode compatible with Java >=6, allowing to use a lot of Java 7-8 features (lambdas…)  in Java 6 bytecode (=Android)
  • It can be transpiled to Javascript (like Java with GWT)

So I decided to migrate the Carballo Chess Engine code to Kotlin (and his name is Karballo) to make some experiments and having some “fun” :)… but it became a non-trivial task, the converted code is at:

Converting the code

To start working with Kotlin I installed the Kotlin plugin for Android Studio (=IntelliJ) from:

File->Settings->Plugins->Install JetBrains Plugin

Once the Kotlin plugin is installed, it’s quite easy to convert java source files to Kotlin with: CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + K

Conversion problems

The Java to Kotlin code conversion does not work perfectly, the Carballo conversion arose these errors:

  • Kotlin is strong typed, you cannot compare a long against the literal ‘0’, you must use ‘0L’… I had hundreds of this comparisons
  • A Long cannot be initialized with an unsigned hex literal if the value does not fit in the signed type, it gives a “Value out of range” compilation error ,  so you cannot do:
    var variable = 0xffffffffffffffffL

    The solution is to convert the literals to a signed decimal:

    var variable = -1
  • Error “Property must be initialized or be abstract” with attributes not initialized in the constructor, solved adding the “lateinit” modifier to the declaration of the attributes (yes, Kotlin knows if you are initializing the attribute in the constructor)
  • Strange toInt() insertions:

    should be:

  • Variables of type Byte cannot be used as array indices, I had to manually change many vars from Byte to Int
  • Kotlin does not allow assignments in expressions, so it’s impossible to do:
    while ((node.move = != Move.NONE) { 

    I manually had to change some cases to the more verbose:

    while (true) {
        node.move =
        if (node.move == Move.NONE) {
  • The binary operators do not work in multi line if they are placed at the beginning of the second line, only if they are at the end of the first, so:
    var myLong : Long = long1
        or long2

    does not compile, it must be:

    var myLong : Long = long1 or
  • It didn’t recognize some custom getters and I had to merge them manually, I like a lot how they look in Kotlin (notice the use of the special word “field” to avoid calling the getter recursively):
    var lastMoveSee: Int = SEE_NOT_CALCULATED
        get() {
            if (field == SEE_NOT_CALCULATED) {
                field = board.see(move, ai)
            return field
  • The conversion process got hung with two complex classes: CompleteEvaluator and ExperimentalEvaluator… I had to kill IntelliJ. I converted the CompleteEvaluator class copying to a new class small chunks of code.
  • Kotlin’s when() statement do not work like the Java’s switch->case, as it hasn’t breaks, you cannot jump from one option to the next excluding the break: the conversion duplicated a lot of the MoveIterator code and I fixed it manually.
  • Some other strange errors like wrong expressions and missing parenthesis…

Some things of Kotlin that I don’t like (yet)

Some are part of the claimed Kotlin “features”:

  • Kotlin does not has primitive types, but it seems to not affect the performance…
  • There is no ternary operator in Kotlin, it’s replaced with “if (…) … else …” expressions: This increases a lot the verbosity, al least in my code
  • Kotlin’s crusade against NullPointerExcepcions: It a type allows null, it must be explicitly indicated appending a question mark to the type:
    var myString : String? = null

    To convert a nullable var/val to a non-nullable, you should use the !! operator, this forces a NullPointerException if the value is null (and it seems that you are shouting to the IDE…):

    var myString : String? = "hello"
    var myStringNotNull : String = myString!!
  • Static fields and methods are grouped in a “Companion Object”
  • Compilation is slower than pure Java
  • Many bugs running from Android Studio non-android projects (IntelliJ worked better for me)
  • Couldn’t get the JS compilation working yet

And other things that I like

  • The full interoperability with Java
  • Type inference, normally I continue to specify the types, but in some cases it saves a bit of code
  • Data classes, they will save you hundreds of lines of boilerplate code
  • Array initialization with lambdas
    nodes = Array(MAX_DEPTH, {i->Node(this, i)})
  • The singleton pattern is embedded in the language: using “object” instead “class” assumes that the class is a singleton
  • Visibility is “public” by default, with the access modifier “internal” it can be accessed only from the same module
  • Implicit getters / setters
  • No need for “new” to call constructors
  • And much more…


I’m my first tests, I’m not noticing any performance downgrade (or upgrade) over the Carballo Java version.

Improving Carballo Chess Engine the hard way


One year ago my Carballo Chess Engine ( was stuck: all the improvements that I was trying were not working, and I detected the main problem: I am a poor chess player so I will never be a good chess engine developer. I thought that the main chess programming skill was statistical analysis and not chess knowledge, but I was wrong.

So, I took the decision of starting to learn and play chess. I joined the local chess club Xadrez Ramiro Sabell ( and I was so lucky that in this club teaches chess the International Master Yudania Hernández Estevez. It’s quite curious the amazing people that you can find in a small city like Ponteareas. I also try to help the club in the tournaments organization and with a small Mobialia sponsorship. Now I am playing the Galician Chess League (in third division) and all the tournaments that I can.

My chess level is improving fast (ok, I’m under 1600 ELO yet:, but the real deal is that the Carballo Chess Engine strength is improving much faster, climbing positions in the CCRL list ( Learning chess helps me to diagnose the flaws and to understand better what’s going on under the hood.

Finally,  playing chess also helps me to detect the chess player needs, so I realized the main missing feature from Mobialia Chess: a chess database to review historic games and to analyze your own games searching statistics for each position. This year I worked to implement this feature and starting today you can access a Beta version of the database in Mobialia Chess Web (

Benchmarking Java to native compilers

Java Duke

Java to native compilers have been around for some years, and I was curious about if one of this solutions could improve the performance of my Carballo Chess Engine.

I ran a tournament between binaries of the Carballo development version (1.5) compiled with different solutions to compare the performance. I used cutechess-cli to run a 3000 game tournament with time control 5″ + 0.1″ per move by side and with the Noomen Test Suite as the starting positions.

The compared binaries

  • The Pure Java Version: This is the carballo-1.5.jar ran with the Oracle JDK 1.8.0_73 VM under my 64bit linux (Debian Sid).
  • GCJ: The GNU’s Java compiler, incomplete and unfinished, but it works for Carballo. This binary was compiled with this script.
  • Excelsior Jet: A classic proprietary Java to native converter at I used Excelsior Jet 11 32bit for Linux (evaluation) to generate this binary. The 64bit version had worse results.
  • RoboVM: ( A solution to run Java apps on iOS. Recently it was bought by Xamarin, and after the Microsoft acquisition of Xamarin, RoboVM was discontinued. RoboVM also has the option to compile Java apps to desktop binaries. I built this binary with the last RoboVM free version (1.8). Now RoboVM is forked in BugVM, but I was not able to build the binary with BugVM.
  • C# compiled with Mono: There is a C# version of Carballo converted with the Sharpen tool. I compiled this binary with MonoDevelop 5.10. The converted code is sub-optimal but it is a good solution if you need a native version (or if you need to integrate Java code in a C# project).

Test results

Rank Name                          ELO   Games   Score   Draws
   1 carballo-1.5-gcj               89    1200     62%     28%
   2 carballo-1.5                   37    1200     55%     27%
   3 carballo-1.5-mono              -5    1200     49%     30%
   4 carballo-1.5-jet              -33    1200     45%     28%
   5 carballo-1.5-robovm           -88    1200     38%     27%


The JVM performance is very good, better than almost all the Java to native solutions.

The exception is GCJ, but it’s incomplete and it will not work for all the Java apps.

I expected better results from Excelsior Jet, as some time ago Carballo Jet binaries where available an used for testing.

The C# version is a bit worse but acceptable.

Vender en Google Play desde España

Por aclamación popular os cuento los requisitos legales para vender aplicaciones en Google Play desde España. Me centraré en el caso de vender como trabajador autónomo, que es como estoy facturando en Mobialia. Puedes comprar muchas cosas en Google Play hasta video juegos en los cuales podras usar servicios de elo boost por parte de


En el Google Play los pagos se hacen a través de la plataforma Google Wallet. En Google Wallet no tenemos facturas, sólo tenemos las órdenes de venta, que son una especie de albaranes y los pagos mensuales que nos manda.

La entidad gestora de Google Wallet, Google Payment Limited (GPL) es una entidad intermediadora en el pago que no cuenta para nada (bueno sí, para enviarte el dinero).


Para poder facturar hay que darse de alta en hacienda (modelo 036). Yo me puse en el epígrafe IAE 213 Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, cada caso personal tendréis que estudiarlo. En este formulario también escogí la modalidad de estimación directa simplificada.

Suele ser útil darse de alta en el registro de operadores de IVA intracomunitario, que necesitaréis si vais a emitir facturas a empresas europeas sin IVA.


También es necesario darse da alta en la Seguridad Social como autónomo (modelo TA.0521) escogiendo una base de cotización según la que pagarás una cuota mensual.  Yo estoy pagando a la seguridad social 267,03 euros mensuales con la base de cotización mínima. Aunque tengas otro trabajo en el que ya estés cotizando a la seguridad social, este trámite es obligatorio.

Teóricamente si tu actividad no se considera “habitual” no tendrías que pagar esta cuota, y según la jurisprudencia vigente la actividad es habitual si generas más que el salario mínimo interprofesional. De todas formas podrías meterte en un lío si no la pagas…


Al estar dado de alta con el 036, tenéis la obligación de presentar trimestralmente el formulario 303 de autoliquidación de IVA (pones facturas de compra, facturas de venta y pagas la diferencia de IVA entre las ventas y las compras. Anualmente también hay que presentar el formulario 390 (que es un resumen recapitulativo del IVA).

Si tenéis operaciones de IVA intracomunitarias (si se cobran anuncios de Admob o Adsense, por ejemplo) también hay que presentar trimestralmente el modelo 349, que es un modelo informativo en el que se detallan estas operaciones (además de ir su total reflejado en el 303).

También se está obligado a presentar trimestalmente el formulario 130 de pago fraccionado del IRPF, en el cual anticiparemos a la AEAT un 20% del beneficio trimestral para la próxima declaración de la renta.

En la declaración de la renta, en la sección de ingresos por estimación directa, pones los ingresos, gastos, pagos a la seguridad social como autónomo y pagas por los beneficios dependiendo del tramo de renta en el que estés.


En un post anterior comentaba los Cambios a partir del 1 de enero de 2015.

Desde 2015 es Google quien vende las apps directamente a los usuarios, y el desarrollador factura a Google, de forma similar a como se facturan las ventas en Amazon Appstore. La diferencia es que en este caso se le factura todo a Google Inc. USA. como se entiende al leer las Condiciones de Servicio de Google Play.


Google no te manda ninguna factura, sólo tienes las órdenes de Google Wallet y los informes financieros de Google Play. Yo mensualmente introduzco una factura de compra a Google Inc USA pagándole las comisiones que me descuenta de las ventas (30%). Esta factura está exenta de IVA, y Google debería mandármela, pero como no me la manda, me la “invento”, ya que me la está cobrando implícitamente.


Si monetizáis aplicaciones a través de Admob o webs a través de Adsense, los ingresos se le facturan a Google Ireland, por lo que necesitaréis ser operador de IVA intracomunitario, ya que las facturas son también sin IVA, y trimestralemente tenéis que informar de estas facturas en el modelo 349.

Recordad que yo no soy un experto fiscal, simplemente os estoy contando mi experiencia, por lo que agradeceré comentarios y correcciones.

Cambios en el IVA para las ventas en Google Play


A partir del 1 de enero de 2015 entran en vigor nuevas reglas de IVA para la prestación de servicios TRE (Telecomunicaciones, Radiodifusión y TV, y Electrónicos) en la Unión Europea y afecta a las ventas de apps en Google Play. Anteriormente a las apps se les aplicaba en Europa el IVA del país desde el que eran vendidas, pero ahora se les va a tener que apicar el IVA de cada uno de los países en los que se vendan.

Hasta ahora éramos los desarrolladores europeos los que nos encargábamos de recaudar el IVA y pagarlo a la agencia tributaria de nuestro país, y con este cambio habría que pagar el IVA recaudado en cada país a cada una de sus agencias tributarias. Para simplificar este proceso se va a poner el marcha la ventanilla única (Mini-One-Stop-Shop o MOSS) que, aunque simplificaría algo el proceso, seguiría siendo complejo….

Google al rescate

Afortunadamente Google acaba de anunciar que a partir del 1 de enero se va a encargar de recaudar el IVA y presentarlo ante las agencias tributarias de los países europeos, liberando a los desarrolladores de esta responsabilidad:

Por lo tanto a partir de ahora es Google quien vende las apps directamente a los usuarios, y luego el desarrollador facturará a Google, de forma similar a como se facturan las ventas en Amazon Appstore. La diferencia es que en este caso se le factura todo a Google Inc. USA. como se entiende al leer las Condiciones de Servicio de Google Play.

También se cambiará la forma de incluir el IVA en los precios: hasta ahora se le sumaba el IVA al precio especificado por el desarrollador, ahora el precio final pasará a llevar incluído el IVA (Tax-Incusive-Pricing).

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Filmon: Free IPTV service


IPTV is in a great momentum. In Spain we saw the rise of a lot of platforms: Yomvi, MovistarTV, OrangeTV, Nubeox… mainly paid platforms, but I am only interested in channels in English and Filmon is a great (and legal) option to watch some of them for free.

Filmon offers more than 600 live channels. There are lots of crap, but others are quite interesting:

  • UK TV channels: BBC One, BBC Two, BBC Three, BBC News, ITV1, ITV2, ITV3, ITV4…
  • News channels: Al Jazeera, Bloomberg, Euronews, France24, Russia Today…

Filmon is free for SD resolution, if you want to watch it in HD and access to program recording you must pay a 15€/month fee.

You can can watch Filmon directly from their web page, or from their Android and iOS apps.

There is also an unofficial Kodi plugin (previously called XBMC) at SuperRepo.

Running Android apps inside Chrome

I couldn’t believe it when somebody told me: Google is running Android apps in ChromeBooks and some selected apps can be installed from the Chrome Webstore. It works with a Chrome extension that implements an Android virtual machine running over the Native Client (NaCL is a sandbox for running compiled C and C++ code inside Chrome). Find the latest games and apps on this website.

Based on this Google work, Vlad Filippov released an unofficial Chrome extension called ARChon ( to allow this for all the desktop Chromes (Linux, Mac & Windows). This ARChon extension is a 100MB zip that must be unzipped and loaded into Chrome as an unpacked extension.

Then each Android APK must be converted to an unpacked extension with a Node-JS based tool, chromeos-apk ( and loaded into Chrome. The generated extension contains the APK and some support files. Once installed, it appears as a regular Chrome app.

I tested all my Android apps and I was very surprised with the results, they load fast and run smooth. Some of my apps did not work because:

  • It does not support Google Play Services
  • It does not support apps using the Android NDK
  • It does not support GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP in OpenGL ES (and my app crashes)

But I consider it SPECTACULAR. This opens a lot of new possibilities for Android, now running inside browsers like Flash, … and confirms my “theory” that Android is only a virtual machine (IMHO, the underlying SO is Linux :P).

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Facturar en España las ventas de apps en Amazon Appstore


El caso de Amazon Appstore es algo diferente al de Google Play (que analizaba en este otro post) y bastante más sencillo, porque es Amazon quien vende las apps directamente al usuario y luego efectúa el pago de royalties al desarrollador.

Amazon separa las ventas realizadas en y las de cada uno de sus portales europeos (,,, y, enviando una transferencia mensual por cada uno de dichos portales. Se pueden ver fácilmente estos pagos desde la Developer Console en Reporting->Payments.

Los royalties de las ventas a través de se deben facturar a:

Amazon Digital Services Inc.
410 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109

Es una exportación (IVA 0%) y por lo tanto irá en la casilla 60 del modelo 303 de IVA (exportaciones y operaciones asimiladas).

Los royalties del resto de portales europeos se facturan desde Luxemburgo:

Amazon EU Sarl
5 rue Plaetis
L-2338 Luxembourg
VAT Registration Number: LU20260743

Yo las agrupo en una factura por mes con una línea por cada uno de los portales. En este caso es una venta intracomunitaria (también IVA 0%) que irá en la casilla 59 del modelo 303 (entregas intracomunitarias de bienes y servicios) y que se debe hacer constar en el modelo 349 con la clave “S” (prestaciones intracomunitarias de servicios).

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Desde el 1 de noviembre de 2014 las ventas en Europa se pasan a facturar por Amazon Media EU:

Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
5 Rue Plaetis
L-2338 Luxembourg
VAT Registration Number: LU20944528

¿Cuánto queda de cada euro al vender una app en Europa?

Cuando me invitan a hablar sobre Android o sobre apps suelo siempre comentar algo de monetización y saco este gráfico:


Y como siempre genera bastante interés y es lo mas twitteado y a lo que mucha gente le saca fotos, voy a explicar de dónde salen estos datos.

Partiendo de que el usuario paga 1€ por la aplicación:

  • Primero se le quita el IVA, un 21% cuando se vende en Europa desde España. Si vendes fuera de Europa no se aplica IVA, por lo que el gráfico mejoraría un poco, pero sigamos con el caso de Europa.  Tenemos que 1€/1.21 = 0,8264€, por lo que 0,1735€ son de IVA. El IVA se quita antes que la comisión de la appstore.
  • Luego vienen Apple o Google y cogen su comisión, un 30% en ambos casos, por lo que el gráfico es válido para apps tanto Android como iOS. Entonces 0.8264€ x 0,3 = 0,2479€, y nos quedan 0,5785€
  • Y ahora están los pagos a la Seguridad Social y a la Agencia Tributaria. Variarán en función de la base de cotización y el volumen de facturación, pero estimando que anda sobre un 30%, es 0,5785€ x0,3 = 0,1735€
  • Entonces al desarrollador le queda 0,5785€ – 0,1735 = 0,4050€. Vamos, 40 céntimos, y aún habría que quitar inversión en equipos, alquiler de oficina, electricidad, etc.

Lo curioso es que pasa algo parecido si tienes un kiosco y vendes Chupa-Chups. Poca gente es consciente de los costes que conlleva vender o realizar cualquier actividad económica.

Para más temas fiscales sobre vender apps os recomiendo mi artículo Vender en Google Play desde España.